L’Arche is an international family of communities for people who have a learning disability and those wishing to share life with them. In 1964, Canadian Jean Vanier founded the first L’Arche home in Trosly, France. Today there are 124 communities of L’Arche in the world, spread out over the five continents and in 30 different countries. L’Arche welcomes nearly 2700 people with learning disabilities.

L’Arche Hamilton wanted to showcase their member’s artwork in their FootPRINT project; we helped them to create a birthday reminder calendar that they would be able to either hand out or sell to raise funds for the organization.

“The calendars are a great vehicle for promoting the artistic gifts of the members of our program, thank you for providing this generous opportunity for L’Arche Hamilton”. – Joanne, Program Team Leader







To learn more about L’Arche Hamilton please visit http://www.larchehamilton.org/index.php