November 2018

3 Ways To Bond With Millennials Through Print Communications

2018-12-20T23:23:42-05:00November 27th, 2018|Articles, Direct mail, Marketing, Printing and Copying|

While predictably receptive to online promotions and communications, research shows tech-savvy millennials have an unexpected affection for more traditional direct marketing. The 2017 Annual State of Marketing Consumer Survey from Keypoint Intelligence – InfoTrends reveals 71 percent of North American millennials say they look at most of the direct mail they receive. “There’s just not [...]

4 Reasons To Include Direct Mail In Your Next Multi-Channel Marketing Campaign

2019-04-16T10:58:59-05:00November 16th, 2018|Articles, Direct mail, Marketing, Printing and Copying|

As the digital space increasingly expands, marketers are provided overwhelming opportunity to reach their audiences online; and with tools like Google Ads, the process can be pretty simple. However, if you’re thinking about shifting your entire marketing strategy to digital – you should probably reconsider. Here’s why direct mail belongs in your next multi-channel marketing [...]

October 2017

The Best Spots for a Direct Mail Offer

2018-10-31T09:14:32-05:00October 10th, 2017|Articles, Design, Direct mail, Marketing|

Most of us carry mini computers in our pockets, and the move to digital has consumed every industry. But don’t be fooled into thinking that print has lost value. A Content Marketing Institute study says that audiences are more engaged than ever before with marketing messages, thanks to an integrated approach to information dissemination that [...]

September 2017

3 Ways To Build The Perfect List

2017-09-23T17:03:59-05:00September 21st, 2017|Articles, Direct mail|

3 Ways To Build The Perfect List For Your Next Direct Mail Campaign In today’s digital world, the physicality of direct mail can help amplify your marketing strategy to break through the clutter and drive action. In fact, according to the Online Marketing Institute, direct mail yields the highest conversion rates for both B2B and [...]

December 2016

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