Keeping your employees trained on the latest industry trends and company regulations is extremely important. The goal of most training programs is to boost employees’ skills and performances. But creating an effective training program requires several steps. Your training program should include the following components.

Determine where there are gaps

Which employees need training? What type of training do they need? Doing an assessment can help determine this. Plus, you can also look at employee performance reviews or even surveying your employees.

Figure out your objectives

The gaps in training will help you determine what your goals are. Set expectations for what attendees will learn and how that supports the overall business needs.

Create materials and activities

Before creating a plan, determine how your audience learns best. What methods or tools will be the most effective? Is there a particular format that works better than others? You may want to use different methods (i.e. study materials, visuals, videos, etc.) to reach all types of learners.

Produce your training materials

Create well-thought-out materials and include the following to help your employees stay informed:

• Pictures
• Graphs
• Step-by-step instructions
• Outside resources (when appropriate)
• Troubleshooting information

These should be made available both online and offline. Print out copies during the training, but then share them either via a drive or email.

Implement the program

After all your research is done, it’s time to perform the training. Figure out the schedule and the duration of each training session. Review employee and management availability to ensure that everyone can attend.

During the training initiative, monitor employees and do some sort of assessment to ensure that key points are being understood.

Once the training program is done, evaluate the success of it. Did employees leave with an understanding of the material? Is there anything that should be changed? What would improve the program? You should also survey employees to see what they thought of the session.

Need help creating your training materials? Talk to the experts at Allegra. We offer in-house graphic designers and  custom printing services. You can rely on our advanced printing techniques. Contact us today to get started.