Time and time again, direct mail has proven to be one of the most effective ways of marketing. Audiences consider print to be a reliable and trusted method of communication, and studies show that up to 90% of direct mail is opened. New and existing clients continue to respond to direct mail, while businesses appreciate its flexibility and affordability as a marketing strategy. Grow your brand and reach your target with the help of direct mail services from Allegra.

At Allegra in Hamilton, we have an in-depth understanding of target audiences, design, and printing, so your package will print on time and within budget. We make sure your materials meet all postal regulations and ensure that you qualify for the best postal rates. We can even help you clean your mailing database or create a new mailing lists so you can target the best prospects, instead of wasting postage on outdated information.

Why choose Direct Mail Services from Allegra?

  • It is affordable. Direct mail gives you a big return on investment for minimal cost. Cleansed databases mean your message is delivered, and technology lets us print the most efficient way possible.
  • It is personal. Direct mail appeals to the individual with different customization options .
  • It is tactile. Digital marketing can be fleeting, but a direct mail piece can be held and retained for future reference.
  • It is flexible. Direct mail campaigns work hand-in-hand with other marketing strategies for a consistent and recognizable approach.

Direct mail continues to be popular because it gets results. Contact the Direct Mail experts at Allegra today for advice on making your next campaign shine!

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