According to a 2015 study by InfoTrends1, nearly 43% of marketers say their top marketing priority is to generate more leads. About one in three say enhancing engagement with both existing customers and prospects, and improving return on investment are also a significant business objectives.

In parallel, two of the leading challenges cited in the study are new business development and improving the quality of leads. Staying up-to-date with current trends and technologies rounded out the three-way tie. For small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs), as well as many organizations and nonprofits, the fourth quarter is prime time to begin planning marketing efforts for the upcoming year that can bring
these universal goals and others into closer reach.

And it’s the same period when countless other priorities come calling. Few, if any, business owners and managers are immune to the “many hats” syndrome. When multiple priorities are competing for your headspace, how can you ensure necessary marketing planning and subsequent campaign deployment aren’t overlooked as you budget that most precious commodity called, “time”?

To find out, we reached out to one of the foremost authorities in marketing. Kate Dunn, director of InfoTrends’ Business Development Group, shared her thoughts into time-saving and business-building strategies for 2016 with a quick list of key dos and don’ts:

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