Print has always been one of the best way to reach a wide audience. But did you know that it’s possible to add personal touches to your direct mail? Thanks to variable data printing, Allegra can create personalized direct mail marketing items that leave a lasting impact on your customers and clients.

How does variable data printing work?

Variable data printing allows you to customize text in your message to specifically target a person. Non-profits often use this technique for fundraising campaigns that include printed pieces that greet the customer by name and recognize past donations by amount.

What are the benefits of Personalized Direct Mail?

Current and potential customers receive a lot of marketing materials in the mail. That’s why studies show that people are more likely to open mail personally addressed to them by a wide margin. When you use variable data printing to personalize a direct mail message, it stands out from the rest of the mail that an individual receives. Consumers who see their own name and information that is of value and interest to them are more engaged, and more likely to respond.

Allegra can handle your Personalized Direct Mail campaign from start to finish. We can take your data list and cleanse it to eliminate duplicates and incomplete fields, or create a new one. Then, our graphics department will create a standout design.  Combine this with our expert custom printing and Canada Post Smartmail Marketing™ delivery, and you have a personalized direct mail campaign that hits its target!

Trust Allegra and our knowledge of variable data printing to get results for your next campaign.